Rhenish Hesse flourishs – asparagus menu

from 24th april to 2nd june

Spargel-Vanilleschaumsuppe / Tomate / Pinienkerne


Spargel / Sauce Hollandaise / Wiener Schnitzel / Sanderäpfel


Rhabarber Vide / Himbeere / Weiße Schokolade

Preis p.P.: 47€

Alternativ gibt es eine vegane Variante

Concert Mrs. Greenbird:

New date Sat, 18th mai 2019

Due to illness the concert of Mrs. Greenbird will be on the 18th mai instead of 27th april like original scheduled.

Already purchased tickets keep their validity!

Friday, 17th mai 2019: Schlösschen restaurant is closed due to a corporate event.

Sunday brunch

Brunch on 2nd june 2019

On each first sunday of month between 10:00 am and 14:30 pm in SCHLÖSSCHEN am Morstein for 35 Euro/person incl. welcome champagne. In our elegant SCHLÖSSCHEN you will expect a diverse buffet of delicacies of conventional cuisine. German Hefezopf, variations of cereals, fruits, delicate spreads, spices quiche and antipasti, fine soups, aromatic main courses, tempting desserts as well as a glass of wine growers sparkling wine – here no wishes remain open.

We look forward to your reservation under:
06244 919 8 660 or [email protected]

Feinschmecker Award for GUT LEBEN

The Feinschmecker ranks among GUT LEBEN am Morstein to the best 500 restaurants in Germany.

Great Wine Capitals Award

GUT LEBEN am Morstein receives the Great Wine Capitals Award for its gastronomy and its cultural offerings.